Thursday, July 28, 2011

My cat has cancer...

My 3 year old kitty has cancer. That's horrible, right? Nature gone awry and making my cat the victim of it's wrath.

But actually, it's not entirely nature being cruel.  Ever hear of Vaccine Associated Sacroma? It's (in my completely non-medical terminolgy) the drug manufacturers cruel joke on law abiding citizens who follow the law and have their pet vaccinated with the rabies vaccine. Yes - you read that correctly. My cat has cancer because I followed my the advice/directives of veterinarians and the state of PA.

I won't bore you with my the hell I've been going through emotionally knowing I did this to my cat. When I adopted her, I promised to take care of her. And I thought I was taking care of her and doing what was right by getting her vaccinated.  Well, I thought wrong.

As of this date, she has had two surgeries to remove lumps on her right leg.  Maybe you remember back in the day when the vets would give injections into the scruff of the dog/cat's neck.  Well they discontinued doing that because when cancer occurred in those unlucky pets, there wasn't much to be done because of the location of the cancer.  Giving them the injections in the leg gives them a chance... a chance for living with three legs, which is certainly better than the alternative.  I've been told and read that tripod pets get around quite well and can live a pretty normal, happy life. But I'm still angry! No one ever told me of the risks of vaccinating my cat. I've had cats for nearly 25 years. No one ever said, "Hey...just wanted to let you know before I stick the needle into your cat - there are some considerable risks from the vaccine". Nope.. no one ever said those words to me in over 2 decades.  Should I be angry at the veterinarians my pets have seen though the years? After all, they're the ones injecting my pet.  Shouldn't it be part of their job to inform the pet parents of the risks and after agreeing that they (pet parents) understand the risks, then and only then consent to the vaccine.  It's called Informed Consent. I'm still learning about that so I'm not gonna say too much about it at this point.  But I'm still angry with the vets my pets have seen. I feel like they failed in not giving all the information. I read that it's been known for nearly 20 years that a possible side effect of the vaccine is cancer. *Twenty years*.  If they were doctors for humans wouldn't part of their job be to tell you of the pros/cons of whatever procedure they were recommending?? Why should it be different for pets??!!!

I read that statistically, VAS (vaccine associated sarcoma) occurs in approximately 1 in 10,000 pets who receive annual vaccinations.  Now think of how many pets you and your friends have had through the years. Add in the pets that your family and friends of your family, co-workers and neighbors and even acquaintances have had over the years.... you can get to 10,000 relatively quickly. This isn't an uncommon phenomenon!  But have you ever heard of it??!! I didn't until about 2 months ago. Now I find stories all over the internet of pet parents emotional struggles, guilt and financial headaches from the effects of the vaccines.

I'm certainly not blazing a new trail here when I tell you I'm requesting that the manufacturer of this particular rabies vaccine reimburse me for my financial costs incurred becuase of their vaccine.  Alot of people have already received compensation for their pet's cancer.  The amount of compensation has varied from person to person and from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Approaching the rabies vaccine manufacturer for compensation doesn't change anything in my cat's life. I can't honestly say I'm doing it 'for' her.  She's probably clueless about the reasons she keeps getting stuffed into a carrier and enduring a car ride to the vet's office where she either has surgery or gets stitches and/or staples in her leg removed.

So yes, I am doing it for the money. Dear Lord, I paid to have someone give my cat cancer! That sounds more like the basis for some weird sci-fi/revenge movie than it does real life. But it is real life.  Damn skippy I want my money back. I want my money back for all of the tests and surgery she's had and may have. I want someone to pay for my mental anguish and my cat's physical pain and decline in her health. It's not fair or just that no one told me (and everyone else) of the hazards of these vaccinations. So, I'm (hoping to) getting them in the wallet... plain and simple - I want compensated for my cat's cancer caused by their vaccine.

This isn't going to be a short process, but I'm going to see it through until I have a check in my hands.