Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Update on Walmart and more

My update for WalMart and their expired food is lackluster. Yesterday was a busy day but I did call and speak to someone who actually seemed unhappy and a little irritated that they were selling food past the expiration date. I had thought I'd ask for the manager but I was on hold forever as it was and had an appointment, so I figured I'd better make this quick.  The woman I spoke with asked me all kinds of questions and said she'd have it taken care of immediately. Yay. That was easy., I like being able to take care of problems while sitting on my chair with a cat on me.  I will need to go back and  make sure the old food was taken off the shelf but I have a good feeling! Yay for caring Wal-Mart employees! I'm hoping she's not a rare breed.

About a week or so ago I was in a pet store. They had a great deal on shelled peanut halves.  A 20# bag for $24.99 less a $10 discount.  My chickens love these as do my bunny and the various forms of wildlife that visit here. So that was a steal compared to other prices I've seen.

I got to the register and it rang up as $26.99. I was going to say something but I thought maybe I looked at the price on the shelf wrong. I'd investigate next time I went in.

So I went back in yesterday and investigated the shelf prices where the peanuts were. Sure enough, $24.99 was on the shelf. Ha! I was right!

So while making my pet food purchases, I brought this to her attention. There was a little confusion at first - she said the price WAS $26.99. I said no, not according to the price on your shelf. So she actually had to walk over to the shelf and look (how rude of me to make someone do their job! The horror!).  She came back and said yes, it was $24.99. Then she said but we already took $10 off. I told her that the $10 was to come off the actual price of $24.99 not the invisible price of $26.99. It was as though I was stealing the $2 from her pocket. All I wanted was the actual price I was supposed to pay. There was nothing shady there.

So instead of doing a credit she combined it with my current purchase.  I didn't care how she did it I just wanted to pay the correct amount.

She does the credit, rings up my new purchases and my bill is over $80. Now, that's not an unusual amount for me to pay when purchasing pet food - but for 2 bags of premium food, one of which had a $10 discount on it - that was a little off. So we stared at each other for a minute and I told her that's not right. She sighed and realized she rang up the holistic bag of cat food twice (those are about $35/bag so that $10 off coupon on the bag made me do a cartwheel in my head!). So she took off the extra bag and finally, all was well. I had my $2 refund from being overcharged and she took the $10 coupon off the holistic food and even got the sale price right on the other bag of food I purchased. Finally.

It never ceases to amaze me that even with computers and just scanning the upc code, how many times I can be overcharged, either by human error or by computer error (which usually is still a form of human error - wrong price in the computer!).  It just proves you've got to look at what the cashier is doing and look at your receipt. Don't blindly walk out of the store and stuff the receipt in your pocket because you may have just paid more than you should have. And who wants to do that?!