Thursday, June 30, 2011

Article on these kiosk sellers in Wall Street Journal

I think it's an abomination that the malls are allowing these salespeople to be so assertive in their sales tactics.  Malls across the country have received complaints but I suppose as long as they keep paying their rent, the mall management is happy.

And again, the fault does lie with the consumer. They didn't steal our money in the usual sense of the word. They didn't attack us in a dark alley. But Sears never got my money this way. No Wal-Mart employee ever coerced me into making a purchase. If a big store had this type of salespeople people would complain and  the Attorney General's office would step in put a stop to it.

So why are there so many posts, videos, and articles written about these Onsen and dead sea product salespeople - yet nothing appears to change?  They continue without mercy to glean money from unsuspecting consumers strolling through the mall.  Reminds me of a cat lurking in the tall weeds, just waiting to pounce on some poor, defenseless critter...

Thanks to my Midwest friend for sharing this article with me.